July 2023: Engagement update
We’re holding two workshops in August 2023 to help plan Victoria’s largest new cemetery in 100 years.
We want people living and working in the City of Melton to come along and give us their feedback on our draft plans.
We now have a cemetery masterplan, which was informed by six months of community consultation. At the workshops we will show community members our stage 1 designs, explain how we’ve incorporated feedback and ask for more input.
This is a cemetery of the future. It will also be used for community, cultural and recreational purposes.
Workshops now closed
At these workshops we will:
- update you on the cemetery design
- check that the design works for diverse cultural and community groups and their funeral rituals
- talk and hear more about the community spaces at the site.
Engagement update
We’re working with diverse community members, faith groups, local organisations and others to understand their needs as we design the future cemetery at Harkness.
So far, we’ve reached out to people through:
- surveys
- advisory group meetings
- site walks
- community pop-ups
- community conversations
- specialist conversations.
So far, we’ve had 287 engagements, including:
- government groups and representatives 70 times
- community group representatives 65 times, which include,
- environmental groups
- historical groups
- advocacy groups
- CALD groups
- LGBTIQA+ community members
- sport and recreational groups
- religious representatives 20 times
- industry and innovation 22 times
- tertiary institutions 13 times
- community services 7 times
- neighbours 5 times
- Traditional Owners: ongoing engagement.
What we have learnt so far:
The demand for cremation services is growing and will inform our designs.
There is a desire for more storytelling, memorialisation, and inclusion in cemeteries. This includes for First Peoples, war veterans, and LGBTQIA+ community members.
Faith groups have provided insights into their funeral, burial and cremation rituals so that the cemetery’s spaces meet these needs. We will share our designs at the upcoming workshops to ensure they’re appropriate and fit for purpose.
Gardens, peaceful places, and natural elements for quiet reflection are valued.
The restoration of the Arnolds Creek corridor is well supported.
The reaction to using some of the land for playgrounds, picnic areas, walking trails and educational experiences has been positive, as long as peace and privacy for those visiting the cemetery areas are assured.
Occasional larger community events were flagged as a way to make the cemetery more widely loved by community.